Paragraph on Environment Pollution

Remedial Measures 

Environment Pollution Essay Causes Effects Solutions

The environment of the earth is a great blessing to mankind. In a broader sense, the word ‘environment’ refers to everything that surrounds us. But it is a pity that this environment is in grave danger of being destroyed and the mankind has to take the sole responsibility for this by himself.

He has seldom thought little about the fact that the air he breathes, the water he drinks and the food he eats could be so much toxic. There is little realisation on his part that what he considers progress is seriously disturbing the ecological balance. As a result, the nature has been suffering mutely for years after years.

The problem of environment pollution is related to increase in population, industrial activity, man’s luxurious life which has brought along air, water and noise pollution. One of the chief causes of air pollution is smoke which is emitted from factories or by steadily growing number of vehicles. The reckless cutting of trees to construct buildings, roads and industries had intensified air pollution. 

     Water which is indispensable for human life gets polluted by dumping of industrial wastes, agricultural fertilizers infusion, oil extraction, bathing of animals etc. Even the Ganga and the Yamuna, traditionally considered to be so sacred have been reduced to dirty ditch.

   The modern life has been suffering from great nuisance in the form of noise pollution. Loud horns from vehicles, amplifiers, music systems, bursting of crackers disturbing the peace and serenity of anguished modern life.

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    Nuclear tests during recent years have played havoc with our environment. The radiation emitted from these tests has slowly crippled our environment. 

To meet the situation in an effective manner, anti-pollution measures should be enforced very strictly. Factories that may prove perilous to human life should be located outside city. It should be compulsory to treat the industrial waste before it is allowed to mix with water and soil.

Vehicles manufacturers should introduce technological changes to reduce air pollution level. Schemes like Ganga Action Plan should not just remain on paper but to be implemented. We must stop abusing nature and develop an aesthetic sensibility to preserve the environment which is very essential to make the Blue Planet for worth living. 

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